13 Juni, 2009

Becoming a Fashion Designer

Getting Paid to Dress People and Make Them Feel Good
Envision getting paid to dress people and make them feel good. You work with the most talented and creative people in the industry. Your name is franchised internationally; you can find it on billboards all over subway stations.

You hang out with the world’s most stylish people; some are celebrities, some are ordinary people with discriminating tastes. More importantly, you earn a six, or even, seven-figure income annually.

While there are only 18 haute couturiers worldwide acknowledged by the Syndical Chamber of Haute Couture in Paris and only a few Fashions Designer have the privilege to operate showrooms or boutiques on Manhanttan’s Seventh Avenue, you can be successful as a Fashions Designer regardless of where you live and whether or not you graduated from fashion school

What if you have never worn “Desain Fashion” clothing before? Of course, you are stylish but you cannot afford to wear an evening Desain Fashion by Yves St. Laurent nor a pair of jeans by Donna Karan.

You may even ask, “Can a person whose apparel collection comes from neighborhood department stores, who doesn't live in New York City and didn't go to fashion school become a fashion designer?” The answer is a definite yes.

Despite the misconception that Fashion Designer clothes are very highly priced, every piece of apparel is, in fact, designed by a designer. More than 95% of fashion designers work outside the small circle of haute couturiers and international fashion houses.

A Fashion Designer is a creative and technical professional who Design Fashion clothing within a specific theme for a specific purpose and a specific market.